Buy lot for free

Da SimsCri Simpedia.

Unluckly the FamilyFunds cheats is available only if a family already live in neighborhood... so how can you buy am expensive house?

There is another cheat, freerealestate but is not so simply to use the first time.

freerealestate <Lot name> where <Lot name> indicate the name of the lot you want buy. For example type frerealestate Sorriso

This cheat works only in Edit neighborhood mode.

In order to move here a family you should:

  1. Select Edit neighborhood mode
  2. Find the lot you want and copy its name
  3. Open the cheatbox by press
    and type
    freerealestate LotName
    where LotName is the one you've copied.
  4. Now, go to the Library and select the family you want move on it. Note: You SHOULDN'T use the options Move a copy or Move a family.
    You should only drag and drop the family from library to the lot you've made free with the cheat freerealestate.

You've done. If you check, the family has their funds intact.

See Also