Full Cheats list

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Versione del 29 mag 2011 alle 10:08 di Cristina (Discussione | contributi) (Generations Cheats)

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This is the full cheat list for The Sims 3.

Open the cheat box by pressing

Finestra cheat.jpg
SHIFT is the key for type Capital letters. Normally you can find it over the CTRL key, at the bottom-left corner of the keyboard. Note that SHIFT and CAPS LOCK are 2 different keys, CAPS is the one for block capital letter and you shoudn't use it.

Utility and Game

help list all cheats

enablellamas on/off appear a message that activate or deactivate Lamas

jokeplease it print a casual quote

fullscreen on/
fullscreen off
activate or deactivate the full screen mode

fps on/
fps off
print on the right corner the framerate

quit exit the game

UP arrow recall the latest cheat typed

SIM related

resetsim Name Surname reset the specified sim, restore needs to a neutral phase, reset moodlets and teleport sim at home. We suggest to use this only if your sim result blocked. It need a while to reset the sim. Example: resetSim Bella Goth

Debug Mode

testingcheatsenabled true/
testingcheatsenabled false
Activate or deactivate the debug mode. Insert this when you are on a lot not in the neighborhood panel.

With this code active you should use some other cheats, they are explained on Testing cheats page

Money and funds

kaching + 1000§ to active family

motherlode + 50.000§ to active family

freerealestate <Lots Name> you can buy a lot without spend money. It need a specific task to work, explained here

familyfunds <Family name> <Amount> define the funds for a family at the amount given. For example after familyfunds Goth 25000 Goth family has 25.000§

Note: it works only for family with a house on the neighborhoods. It doesn't work if families are on the library or clipboard

Unlock Outfits

unlockOutfits on/off permette di includere in "Crea un Sim" anche gli abiti relativi alle carriere e al personale di servizio. Deve essere attivato prima di accedere a "Crea un Sim".

Buy and Build mode

moveObjects on/
moveObjects off
Removes footprint limitation for all object placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed on hand tool for when objects are in use or for objects that normally are not movable. Is known to cause issues with game elements, routing, hidden object generation and manipulation, etc. Note that using this cheat allows you to move and delete objects that normally cannot be manipulated such as Sims. If you delete these objects, there is no way to get them back, so be careful!

constrainFloorElevation true/
constrainFloorElevation false
Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, floors, and objects will move with the terrain, allowing you to create sloped walls and floored hills. However, placing new walls/floors will still flatten terrain, and placing objects will still require the terrain to be flat initially if the objects normally require it.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt off +ALT nel posizionare oggetti
When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT. Useful for placing objects such as chairs near tables without them snapping or placing counters near other counters, etc

fadeObjects on/
fadeObjects off
Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not apply to Sims.

Movies and captures

hideHeadlineEffects on/
hideHeadlineEffects off
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as thought balloons and speech balloons.

slowMotionViz NR Puts the visuals of the game in slow motion. Entering a NR value is optional. Valid values range from 0 = normal speed to 8 = slowest.


mapTags on/
mapTags off
view or hide all icons on the city's map

World Adventures Cheats

BuyDebug on/
BugDebug off
show/hide the Debug category under the Buy Mode. Read more about Buy Debug here. This cheat works only with testingcheatsenabled true

allowObjectsOnRoof on/
allowObjectsOnRoof off
allow/disable the option to place objects over roofs

EnableLotLocking on/
EnableLotLocking off
allow/disable the option to lock lots edit from Edit Town

ageUpToNpc Toggles option for toddler who is aging up to be a non-player-controlled Sim in the household

playsounds on/
playsounds off
able/disable all sounds and music

Ambitions Cheats

AlwaysAllowBuildBuy true/
AlwaysAllowBuildBuy false
when enabled (true) build and buy mode won't disable themself during fires and burglary.

DiscoTags on/
DiscoTags off
show/hide disco tag over the map (the new icon for opportunities related to new careers)

placeFriezes on/
placeFriezes off
when enabled (true) it allows you to build foundation over the floor

removeFloorCutout <ID>

setFloorCutout <float> <ID> ad esempio setFloorCutout centerX centerZ sideLenght id

Late Night Cheats

RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings on/
RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings off
able/disable build and buy restriction while you are in buy/build mode on apartments. If you set this cheat to off you are free to edit both exterior and public rooms. Before use this cheat, you need to use testingcheatsenabled true

Generations Cheats

moviemakerCheatsenabled on/
moviemakerCheatsenabled off
Toggles Movie Maker Mode, which enables new cheats for players that aid in movie making. To access Movie Maker Mode, testingcheatsenabled true must be set.
  • It allows NPCS to be selectable by using 'SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK on the Sim (this action is immediatly, there isn't an option menu and will find as active family the family of NPC - it seems that come back to original family is a missing option).

Additionally, the following cheat interactions are enabled when you SHIFT+LEFT CLICK on a Sim:

  • Animation: Plays a specific animation on a Sim
  • Disable All Lookouts: Toggles all Look Ats for all Sims.
  • Edit in CAS: Brings the clicked Sim into Create a Sim, where they can be fully edited.
  • Sim Shutdown: Prevents all Sims for doing anything other than player initiated interactions.
  • Set Looping On/One-Off: Sets animations to be looped or to one-off.

See also